Local healthcare is central to our residents’ quality of life and our overall economic well-being. The Authority Trustees care deeply about protecting our community hospital and access to care for patients. That’s why important contractual requirements are included in our lease agreement with Saint Francis, which guarantee the hospital will continue to provide a wide range of local services, collaborate with physicians and nurses and be a good community partner. The lease provisions were designed to protect the community and ensure the future of local healthcare, even as the hospital’s day-to-day operations are the responsibility of a third party. Specific lease provisions include: Operate as a general acute care hospital. Ensure on-site medical and nursing education programs, joint ventures and collaborations with medical staff and patient satisfaction surveys and quality of care programs. Lease can be terminated if hospital operations are vacated or abandoned, including moving substantial part of operations, business and personnel to another location. The lease cannot be assigned to any non-affiliated third party without the Authority’s consent. Hospital and operational premises must be rebuilt if any part of it is destroyed by fire or other causality. Payments in lieu of property tax must be made. Maintain all interior and exterior properties, including parking lots. Make general capital improvements, including new equipment, renovations, facilities, development of new services and more. Obtain landlord’s consent for alterations, additions and demolitions to facilities that are not routine. Maintain insurance.